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Aussie Curves - Heels

So I have a confession to make - I haven't worn a pair of heels since August last year. I have a small yet much loved collection back in Melbourne, but decided not to take any with me overseas, in an attempt to pack light, and the fact that strutting around the cobblestone streets of Old Manchester and probably the rest of Europe balancing 6 inches off the ground wasn't something I was too keen on doing.
I'll admit there's been times when I've been like HEELS!!! but for the most part, my knees have been grateful.
So for this Aussie Curves challenge I decided to trawl through random photos on my laptop to see if I had any pics of a significant pair of heels in my life - indeed I do!

I remember falling in love with these simple nude platform heels from Tony Bianco, and I'd regularly waltz into the store and pretend I owned them haha, but unfortunately as a poor uni student, this was never a viable option.

Then randomly, I think at Forges before they closed, I found a very similar pair, pale pink instead of nude and with double ankle straps for... $16. Last pair, in my size, it was meant to be. I have no idea what brand they are (as the name has been worn away from excessive use) but here are some instances I could find of their loyal service:
I love the look of pastel heels with cute socks; worn with straps tucked in // They appear white when ridiculously tanned; South Pacific cruise 2011 // This is how I learned heels are impracticable for Manchester; attempt to walk the cobblestone lane ways of Melbourne in a hailstorm

There's apparently going to be a uni ball in a few weeks,so perhaps a purchase of heels may present itself in the near future. Maybe.
~MM xx

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 (12:27 PM)