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Aussie Curves - Celebration

Hi guys! Still traveling around Europe with le boyfriend, were currently in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovnia. It's been pretty hectic but still keeping an eye on Aussie Curves and thought I'd join in on celebrating. Sarajevo is such an interesting city with a tragic past, and scars still remain from the city's siege in the 90s. However there is still a large Muslim population and yesterday was Eid, the end of Ramadan fasting. So this was our celebration excuse! Wearing a 100% purchased-while-traveling outfit ahaha.
Quick post as busy day tomorow but: leopard peplum top = terranova (spanish brand that goes up to size 18)  // leggings = (primark probably) // shoes = cool way // necklace = topshop (it was originally knotted in a different way but I undid it and re did it again, navy cadets came in handy)
Decided to buy eyeshadow which I don't usually use, not sure if you can tell to easily in this image but it's there~!
Admire my decorative knot skills
Tough we really love Bosnian cuisine (has anyone ever tried klepe?? they are fucking amazing) decided to go with steak. We were the only table that got bibs, lol. Guess we don;t look capable to eating without mess? (Though le bf did spill shit on his pants haha)

So thats it from me! Yay Aussie Curves round 2! I find that its given me a little confidence where previously there was none, awesome to find so many new blogs to investigate! Looking forward to getting back home and introducing you all to my wardrobe ^.^


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Friday, August 9, 2013 (6:02 PM)